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Elective Ultrasound
Pricing & Packaging 


These exams are designed for Keepsake/Entertainment purposes ONLY

We do NOT replace the care of  your physician and we can NOT  Diagnose any abnormalities or comment on the wellbeing of the fetus(s).

These packages are NOT covered through your insurance as they are not medically necessary. 

Packages & Prices  




These exams are designed for Keepsake/Entertainment purposes ONLY

We do NOT replace the care of your physician and we can NOT Diagnose any abnormalities or comment on the wellbeing of the fetus(s).

These packages are NOT covered through your insurance as they are not medically necessary.

 Early Scan

$65- Abdominal 
$75- Vaginal 

  • Between 4-12 weeks

(After 12 weeks, you must pick a different package)

  • 5 minute scan

  • 2 black and white picture

  • See baby's Heartbeat if fetal pole is developed

  • Email with 5+images

  • Email video set to lullaby music

2D Gender Package


  • Starting at 13 weeks

  • 10-20minute 2D scan

  • Listen to baby's Heartbeat

  • Gender Determination

  • 5 Black and white prints

  • Email with 10+ images

  • Email video set to lullaby music

  3D/4D Package​


  • Recommended between 28-34 weeks.

(For Multiples between 18-24 weeks),

  • 30-minute 2D/3D/4D scan,

  • Gender determination upon request

  • Listen to baby's Heartbeat

  • 7 colored prints

  • Email with 20+ images

  • Email Video set to lullaby music

Ask about how you can add a
Heart Beat Animal
and/ or 
Gender Reveal Supplies
to your package!  

Beige Elegant Minimalist Thank You Card (2).png

Sneak Peek Snap 
Gender Bloodwork 

Find out your baby's early as 6 weeks!

99.9% Accurate 

The better way to learn gender!

SneakPeek’s breakthrough blood collection innovation makes collecting your sample a Snap! 

Just place Snap on your arm, press the button, and relax while your sample is collected in 1-4 minutes. 

90% of customers find using SneakPeek Snap to be completely painless.



SneakPeek Snap device is placed on your arm. In the device are tiny  microneedles that are just the width of a human hair, 1/5 the width of the lancet blade. The microneedles only reach the epidermis, where there are fewer nerve endings, so virtually no pain is felt with SneakPeek Snap.

Sneak Peek FAQ'S


SneakPeek Clinical is an early gender DNA detection test offered to women starting at 6 weeks into pregnancy. The genetic test gives you the first step to connect with your baby before you are able to see the exciting clear images from your ultrasound scans. The full service includes an on-site phlebotomist that draws a blood sample in the comfort of the ultrasound studio, and then returns the sample to SneakPeek Labs for processing. The laboratories offer the fastest turnaround times in the industry, with a choice of receiving your result the same day the sample reaches the SneakPeek Lab.


SneakPeek utilizes the natural process of shared fetal DNA circulating inside the mother’s bloodstream. Our PCR technology has the ability to detect the presence or absence of male Y chromosome in the blood sample provided starting at 6 weeks into pregnancy. If it is detected then the baby’s gender is male and if it is not detected then the baby’s gender is female.



A multicenter-blinded study was conducted at four ultrasound clinics with maternal blood samples collected from pregnant women between 6 and 35 weeks of gestation. Circulating cell-free DNA was isolated from a micro-volume of maternal plasma and real-time quantitative PCR was performed to detect fetal DNA using a multi-copy sequence on the Y chromosome. An autosomal control gene was used to measure total cell-free DNA (maternal and fetal cfDNA). Sixty maternal plasma samples were tested twice, on different days, to assess the precision of SneakPeek.

Cell-free DNA was detected in all maternal blood samples. Y-chromosome DNA was detected in all samples from women carrying a male fetus. SneakPeek correctly identified fetal sex in all samples. Assay precision data showed minimal variation and high reproducibility of results. Fetal sex for all samples was unknown prior to genetic testing and was confirmed via sonographic evaluation at the conclusion of the study. SneakPeek accuracy, sensitivity and specificity were each 100% for fetal sex identification. This blinded study showed that SneakPeek Early Gender Test is highly accurate for fetal sex determination in early pregnancy.

Since this is an elective test and is not deemed medically necessary, This test would NOT be covered trough your insurance.


SneakPeek looks for male DNA in the fetal DNA found in mom’s blood sample. In the case of identical twins, if male DNA is found, then both babies are boys. If no male DNA is found, then both babies are girls. For fraternal twins, finding male DNA means at least one baby is a boy, but cannot distinguish if the second is a boy or girl.

8k Imaging


This is new technology that allows you to visualize how your baby will looks before you meet your bundle of joy with the help of our graphic design team!

You can bundle this with our 3D/4D package for $30 or $45 for video 

Once you are seen for your 3D/4D Appointment, We will send your images out to our graphics team and approximately 2-3 days after your appointment, we will e-mail/ print you with your new 8K image and video!

©2021 by Capitol Imaging Inc. 

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